My rooster is quite handsome. He is also camera shy. In the sun's light, his tail feathers are wonderfuly irridescent, black/green. His neck 'mane' feathers also have highlights of irridescent green/black. He is quite the dapper dude. We have started selling off most of the eggs so we can offset the cost of switching to organic feed. And yes - we always have plenty for ourselves - even with company.
My Mom and Dad had another good visit to Humboldt Co., although we do less and less each year, in keeping with their abilities. This is a wonderful trail - flat and well groomed. It is Cheatham Grove on the Van Duzen River - a major tributary to the Eel River. The rest of the forest (other than the trail) looks primeval. I always expect a dinosaur to come around the next bend. There was one spot where a recent storm had brought down a small tree, which was laying across the trail. With the help of a snag (broken-off limb) we were able to straddle the 18' diameter trunk and continue our walk. I hear Dad has spoken of this walk several times since he got home again - a mere 24 hours ago. I made some photo-cards from this outing to send to them, on top is one of them. These forests are hard to photograph even with full sun - very little of which makes it to the forest floor. I did not have my tripod, so its not the best in terms of photography. Thank you PhotoShop.
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