Monday, June 8, 2009

The Full Dragon

This is the rest of the beastie you see in the next entry. By the way - Humboldt is the home of the world renowned Kinetic Sculpture Race - a Humboldt original and a crack up to watch - especially the water entry segment. You never know who will float, sink or just sit there going nowhere (but having fun). You see, the rules are basic: must be human powered, must traverse sand, road and sea, and it has to be artistic (open to interpretation, of course). I'm not sure if this dragon was ever in the KS race, but it has the look.

1 comment:

Diane said...

You live in paradise, that's for sure! I first saw one of the many other such races when I was in Port Townsend, WA right after my mother's death in August 1997. I love the wild and whacky.