Thursday, December 9, 2010

Family Store

This is - left to right - Jacob, Ryland, Mom & Dad ... oh yes, and me! in in the middle... in our store in Fortuna. 
We carry (in a nut shell) non-toxic cleaners, sustainable clothing and locally made 'stuff'.  I'm learning quite a lot every time I look for new products - it keeps my brain active (LOL).  Its always great to have my folks here for Thanksgiving, which they have done each and every year since I moved here with my children (Jacob & Ryland) some 14 years ago.  BTW: my son Ryland is 23 and standing on a chair for this photo - he is a dwarf, well adjusted about it and a bit of a pistol at times, squirmy the rest of the time.  My son Jacob HATES having his photo taken so it's hard to get a good one of him.  Mom & Dad are in their mid-80s and doing very well, although they often drive my older sister a bit crazy - makes me wonder how I will be when I'm their age.

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